Tax Lien
If you own your property outright or not, each year Uncle Sam will come knocking on your door to collect property taxes. If you are unable to pay those taxes due to whatever circumstance a tax lien will be places on your house in Pittsburgh. As time passes your lien continues to grow due to interest and penalties.
You might ask what happens next? Or what happens if I don't pay? If you’re not able to pay off the lien then it will got to a Tax Deed auction where they will sell your Pittsburgh house and pay off the lien certificate to the initial investor. At this point you will lose all claims to your house.
If you're property has a tax lien and you don't think you'll be able to pay it off. Remember we buy houses in Pittsburgh, in any condition and can close within as little as 21 days. Don't risk losing what you've invested so far, we can purchase your house and pay off your lien and remove that stress.